Just when you thought animal-shaped macarons couldn’t get any cuter, somebody dialed it up to a 10 and made Panda Bear Macarons. I would SO eat those pandas (probably not in front of children though).
These adorable sweets are from Toronto-based baker Melly Eats World, who has attracted over 5 thousand followers on Instagram. Her take on the famous French pastry comes in panda, monkey, and cat form, just to name a few. The best part? They even have small tails when you turn them around. Panda Bear Macarons are such a hit!
Find your favorite animal macaron below, and if you live in the Toronto area, you can DM Melly Eats World with a custom order. Please share this blog to help spread the word!
Panda Bear Macarons
Many other creatures can be made same as the Panda Bear Macarons!
Hatchlings! Now these would be great around Easter time!
Chicks, Pandas and Pigs! Such detail to let you know just what animal they are.
Pigs & Bears would bring in good money at a bake sale!
Awww, even a kitty! You could decorate them to resemble one of your cats. Consequently, a vet would love to have this sweet treat delivered!
Bunnies! Yet another that would be excellent at Easter. maybe even take these to a fair for judging!
Monkeys! Preschoolers would love these darling monkeys!
And this is the tail end of my Macaron blog. Please drop me a message showing what you came up with making this recipe. Thanks, Auntie M
Here's the skinny on a macaron vs a macaroon: well, a macaron originated in France and consists of two light meringue biscuits sandwiched together with a sweet ganache. A macaroon, on the other hand, consists of a shredded coconut and egg mixture which is baked into a soft and fragrant cookie (or mound). Betcha didn't know that! I sure didn't and I am an avid foodie!