About Me

Auntie M

Photo on 12-1-20 at 7.54 PM #4

My life road has taken me down a number of paths that have provided me with many tasty recipes, quick and easy cleaning tricks, and restoring, recycling tips.  This knowledge that I have acquired, I now wish to share with those brave folks that are willing to throw caution to the wind and give my "words of wisdom" a try. 

If your curious to what makes me think I am qualified to bring you my ideas and tips on turning trash to treasure with limited funds, let me assure you that I have over 45 years of experience in painting, cleaning and cooking.  And I do know what it feels like to be low on funds and wanting a beautiful home, especially in my younger years. So, if you are wondering how many miles my body has traveled...let’s just say... if you had to put my carriage in a category, I would be considered "vintage"!  

Scavenger hunts are always fun to participate in. Trips to thrift stores, consignment stores, estate sales, garage sales, auction sales and even the curb on trash day is where the hunt for treasure begins. However, I have never dumpster dived because I once saw a rat the size of a small cat fleeing a dumpster.  I find saving things from the landfills and recycling helps me do my part in being a good steward of our planet; Even if some days I feel like I am only visiting this planet.  If you love music you might want to look up Larry Norman and listen to his album, Only Visiting This Planet.  One of the albums I loved in my college days. 

May you have a wonderful day full of many blessings!    

With the Warmest of Regards, 

Auntie M   

P.S.  Be forewarned, I am a woman of many words. 

And please check out my Facebook page Auntie M's Restore, Recycle And More!